Boris Johnson Networth 2021


Boris Johnson was born on June 19, 1964, is 57 years old. He is the former Foreign Secretary. Boris was born in New York City. He later in Brussels, before attending school in England.

     Boris started working life as a journalist first at The Times and later became the The Daily Telegraph's Brussels correspondent. 

     Boris then edited The Spectator from 1999 to 2005. During that time he became the MP for Henley in 2001.

In 2008, he was elected as Mayor of London and resigned his seat in the commons after beating Ken Livingstone. 

     He won the General Election in December 2019. Boris can remain as Prime Minister until 2024.

What Boris Johnson Networth?

Boris, the Prime Minister has amass a fortune of  2.9 million Pounds, as of March 2021. 

   Boris bought a mansion worth of 1.3 million pounds with wife Carrie Symonds.


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